Cahier d'acteur Ys Energies Marines Developpement, débat public, la mer en débat

Public debate “The Sea in Debate”: Ys wrote a…

What is public debate?

The National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) has organised a wide-ranging public debate on maritime planning to discuss the future:

  • of the sea;
  • of the coast;
  • marine biodiversity;
  • offshore wind power.

This national debate took place on the territory of the maritime coasts of metropolitan France.

The debate was held from November 20, 2023 to April 26, 2024 to allow anyone to take part in the development of the choices made in 2024

to allow everyone to take part in the development of the choices made in 2024 on the future of the sea and offshore wind power.

Throughout the debate, the institutional actors had the opportunity to detail their points of view on the issues at stake in the debate and the project in an actors’ notebook.

Ys took part in the game and wrote its point of view.

The Big Ideas of the Ys text’s

Here is a summary of the main ideas we discuss:

🌊 Clarify the term Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) to avoid associating it directly with offshore wind power and thus give more visibility to other marine energies.

🙋 To take into account tidal energy and, above all, wave energy in a more significant way in public debates, façade strategic documents and vocation maps.

🤝 Accelerate the change of scale of the two sectors with greater support from the State. The development of renewable energies such as wind and solar would not be what it is today without the help of the State. Other energies that are just as essential to decarbonizing the energy mix need it in turn.

🎯 Define ambitious and proactive objectives, particularly through the “PPE” in France and overseas.

🤸 To be aware of the many advantages of tidal and wave energy: securing the network (predictable, regular and complementary), low visibility from the coast and a small landscape footprint.

And by the way… Technologies are ready 😉.

You can also find the arguments of the associations, fisheries committees, federations, ports, political parties, trade unions and local authorities that have taken a position on the debate!

More thant 200 texts are on line

Et merci à Josselin Guyot Téphany, chef de projet chez Ys pour la rédaction 

Our text is also available on the website of the Public debate